My 1st BP was Tollyjoy brand. It is battery operated BP. I bought it when i was 9 months preggy. At that time i really dunno what type of BP I should buy. I bought this BP for RM100++. I’ve only use it not more than 10 times. Because it is quite tedious to use it as there are a lot of small2 things to assemble before i could really start my pumping practice. Plus, dissambeling the parts was another tiring job!
Spectra3 (“s3”) is my 2nd breastpump (“BP”) that i bought after i’ve fully made up my mind that i’m gonna breastfeed my son. I bought it from for RM590++. That was exclusive of other pumping accessories that i bought after a few weeks of learning and gettting use to this my beloved BP. Yea…pumping is a learning process…process of adjusting your breast and the whole body to familiarize with the pumping routine that you’ve been practised during your confinement period. You will face a lot of problems here n’ there before you can really master the “art of pumping”!(for want of a better word i would say..hehehe). We’ll talk about this so called “art of pumping” in details in another post kay!
Okay…i was so obsessed with all these pumping accessories, breastfeeding gadjets and generally babies stuff…almost 24 hours i would surf the Internet while nursing my baby to look up for BF stuff…i found a lot of on9 shop selling nursing/babies items. After researching for quite sometimes, i feel the need to get another breastpump. At this point of time, i was still thinking, whether i should by a BP which has the same features and durability like my beloved s3 or merely a manual pump which i can use while sending my s3 for service in the future…
N thats it! U know what guys? I bought another BP! Hehehe…after “berkira-berkira” for 2-3 days, i’ve made up my mind to buy this wonderful manual BP…(actually i’ve fall in love for the very 1st time i saw it!)… MEDELA HARMONY..this BP was so much a help when i used it during my tandem pumping session…u might want to read the review here. search for BP doesn’t stop at Harmony…i dunno why..i somehow still have this unsatisfied feeling even i’ve already have these two wonderful BPs. I could not hold myself from buying another one…and w/out getting my hubby’s approval, i bought another spectra called “ispectra”…i arranged all my BP and was surprised that i’ve already have FOUR BP!!! I’ll be a dead meat if my hubby got to know about this. But i do admit that for this time, buying ispectra was only out of “suke-suke” rather than having an intention to use it religiously…
I stopped spending my money extravagantly after i bought this BP. Suddenly insaf and start getting back to work has made me become a busy woman again. I continue my life as working-and-pumping mom…
And guys….i think i should stop spending money on something that i dun want to fully utilized…hence….for the very last time, i told myself..”inda…stop being extravagant…u will never know one day u will a have to use ur saving for something more important…” Okay…i admit that..i was so “boros” and will end it ONLY after i buy my dream BP…
Hence, on 3/11/2009 i am officially called a “Freestyler”…I’ve already achieve my ultimate goal of searching the best BP –> to become a “freestyle-pumpin-mom”…At last…i found my true pumping-pal!!! =) Yeay!
Ini saya punye! Beli dari Kak Aja! 😉

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hi dear..which BP dat u want to let go..n how muc
hye ian…i'm intending to let go my ispectra for rm250 (negotiable). bought for rm300 sumthing…used not more than 5 times…. =)
bestnya linda dah dpt bp idaman… i also idmkan that bp (free style) so i pun terpaks tgg linda let go BP tu nant la sebb x mampu nk beli heheheheh… sebb bnyk lg benda nk beli.
hehehe…sy pon dulu berkira2 sgt nk beli FS ni lps beli n gune mmg x rase rugi langsung!sgt berbaloi…mhl pon x pe..yg penting convenient utk career-mom mcm kite… =)
Hi Lynn..
jeles bila tengok Lynn ade FS… saya memang ngidam sangat nak pakai FS tapi memandangkan S3 ni masih lagi elok macam baru, so terbantut sudah nak pakai FS… tapi nak usahakan jugak.
rasanya saya nak jual S3 yang skrang ni.. tapi tak tau nak jual kat sape…
tu la..lyn dulu pon cmtu…pakai s3 tp dok terbayang2 fs..last2 beli gaks..hubby bsising x kire! nak jugak punye psl, sanggup je gune duit sniri..hehehehe….
sesape nk let go s3, sy nk bli
ader sesape ke nk let go breast pump lg??? skrg ni sy pakai tollyjoy..
wah FS memang idaman kalbu.. huhu bilalah kesampaian. yup it great for career woman
i wish i can let go my swing..tgh kira2 budget lagi ni..sapa nak?warranty ada lagi 6 bulan..
sy pon tgh cari s3..kalau ade sesape nak letgo meh la contact sy yea..=)
saya tgh pki spectra7 n medela harmony… jelesnye la tgk fs ni… mcm dia memngil2 plak
salam akak nak tanya xde ke nak jual 2nd hand BP
saya silent reader akak..saya pakai mcm xbest jer..
nak tanye penadapat lyn la…worth x beli fs from oversea…tp warranty xde la…psl warranty sana…xmsk warranty malaysia…tgh survey2 nih…
Linda.. ispectra tu dah letgo ke?hehe.. leh tak tanya benda yang tahun lepas nye cerita?
wani..hehehe…x per…yg penting bertanye kan..malu bertanya sesat jalan… =) by the way the answer is YES. Dah let go kat member opis snirik… =)