As a mother, I don’t have anything else to prove to my children as well as to the world that i am the best mom of the planet! What i can promise them and also myself is I will do whatever i can out of my capability as a mother to provide the best for my children by utilizing the most precious opportunity that ALLAH SWT has given me….by BREASTFEEDING them! Breastfeeding has change my life and my motherhood journey in so many ways. I have became a person who has a very high perseverance and patient! No matter how, when or where, be it in a discreet or at public places, i won’t feel intimidated by people around me to breastfeed Danish! Last but not least, after 1 year and 6 months of being very diligent in breastfeeding & expressing my breastmilk for my Danish, what I can promise myself now is to keep on pumping and breastfeeding until the very last drop of my milk! AMIN…
This contest is organized by MY SUPER KIDS & BLING BUUBIES in conjunction with the launching of BLOG SUSU SIHAT! The contest is aim to promote breastfeeding in public. As a breastfeeding mom, i fully support this contest as well as the campaign! Just click HERE to find out more about this interesting contest ya!
P/s : Kak Lyna…please count me in! =)

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congrates lyn!!!!
cun ah pic! 🙂
Hehe..TQ mama erfan…cun? Org yg cun mmg sentiasa cun walau di mana die berada..hehehehe…
tahniah menang contest ni…
TQ aanie…congrats to u too..