What is galactagogues?
“A galactagogues is a substance that induces lactation”. Simple kan? x susah pon nak fhm definisi benda alah ni berbanding nak mengeja and pronounce it for the very 1st time…macam tercekik-cekik nak nyebutnye.
What is Milk Booster?
Milk Booster falls under the definition of galagtagogues. But for me, if galactagogues can be defined as a substance that INDUCES lactation, Milk Booster is a substance that can BOOST your milk supply. Which simply means that it helps to increase your supply instead of induce the milk to come out…this is totally from my humble opinion and own definition…if u have ur own opinion, u may beg to differ… =)
Why consume milk booster/galactagogues?
In my case, i will only take my milk booster when i have low milk supply issue or in another word when my milk production drop. This happened after last Hari Raya where I haven’t got any chance to pump out my milk for almost 1 week due to time constraint…yela…beraya kan…sangat sibuk melayan tetamu & bertandang ke sana sini. Plus, balik kampung hubby yg jauh nun di utara mmbuatkan saya jadi letih and kire nak cover tido je sepanjang berada di rumah in-laws… =p My mistake…
And last week pon i faced this problem, when i only manage to collect 13oz instead of normal amount of 18oz for 3 times pumping session at my office. N what happened is, surprisingly my “bestfriend” datang balik menemaniku 7 days/month…hehehe..after 3-months fully breastfeed my Danish, i return to fertility once again! Scary kan??? Hehe…n bcoz of that i’ve already take a precaution earlier on. Family Planning is IMPORTANT okay! (X pasal2 Danish dpt adeqs lak nanti… =p!).
The effectiveness of milk boosting food/supplement on milk production?
I quote Kak Sue kite…(Pn. Suraya – Kaunselor Laktasi & Pengasas Lunatots) Kak Sue cakap…Milk Booster will only contribute 30% in increasing your milk production…true enuff, if i take my milk boosting food/supplement, pertambahan adalah memuaskan…x la sampai mencurah2 mcm paip air dari amount yg biase di pump…
The effect of Milk Booster – to Mom & Baby
For me, so far my baby x la ter”efek” dek pengambilan milk boosterku..Okay je si Gedebotku itu…makin gedebot minum susuku yg banyak ade la! Cume for Fenugreek, individu tertentu kena berhati2 sebelum consume…individu2 yg kuat “angin” x digalakkan amik…and including one own baby..if jenis colicky baby, kalau bleh jgn amik..sbb fenugreek bleh menyebabkan anda & bayi anda more gassy…
Milk booster v. BF on demand/frequent pumping
Haaa..this is the most important issue…telan la byk mane pon milk booster or galagtagogues, tapi jarang pump and direct feeding, x de maknenye milk supply nak increase ye kawan2! Ingat!!! The frequency of direct feeding and pumping ur milk out will help a LOOOTTTTT in increasing ur supply…without which will only lead to masalah “susu kureng” and other more related problem…Remember the rule is –> DEMAND & SUPPLY. Ade demand yg tinggi, supply pun naik! Macam wat business pon ye. The EMPTIER THE BREAST means MORE MILK WILL BE PRODUCED!
My List of Milk Booster/Galactagogues…
Hehehe..to all my kawan2 yg penah tanye kat saya di Facebook, nie antara milk booster/galagtagogues yg saya pernah cube and Alhamdulillah works on me (ku susun mengikut hierarchy yang mana the most effective kay!) :-
1) Fenugreek (Halba)

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btul ke kacang hitam pun bleh bantu tambahkan susu ek?
dat one lyn x sure llak yana..sbb lyn x pernah terjumpe lg dlm research lyn…by the way, yana jupe katne eh?
ade officer kat sni.. die chinese.. die yg btau…
lyn, fenugreek jename lain ok tak?
ok jer yana..even buat sniri pon okay! =)
lyn, spirulina tu dalam kapsul kaler hijau ea… erm.. nk mkn die kne ikut cr kite mkn fenugreek ker? thanks ye
aah die dlm kapsul hijau..spirulina tu mmg warna ijau pon..cara mkn die x same dgn cr mkn fenugreek..kat botol die tu ade tulis cara mkn yg betul..x silap lyn mkn cumne 2 kapsul sehari je… =)
spirulina tu brand yek