Month: June 2011
Hello peeps! Meh nak continue the story on Danish… In the previous entry i had already told you guys kan about Danish has to be admitted to the hospital …
Last two weeks was a very tough time for me. Danish was admitted to the Hospital because he was diagnosed with pneumonia by the pediatrician where we brought him …
Bulan Mei yang lepas, Wealth Secret Sdn Bhd buat sesi demo & training di Sarakids pulak. So, memandangkan Kak Farah Farhan (big boss Sarakids) agak bz, sesi tersebut dibuat …
Bulan April yang lalu Wealth Secret Sdn Bhd telahpun conduct satu sesi training dan demo cara penggunaan Heat Transfer Machine di pejabat WS sendiri di Wangsa Maju, KL. Sesi …
Ini entry sudah basi..peristiwa berlaku adalah selama sebulan lebih sudah…tapi still nak share dengan uols. Sebab benda ni part of my sweetest memory yang saya nak abadikan dalam blog …