Starting solids: When is your baby ready?

Since saya tengah xcited bangat menunggu next week untuk bagi Danish makan for the very 1st time in his life, saya tempekkan sedikit info dari hasil research saya ttg memberi solid food kpd baby…saya highlight kan certain part supaya saya/anda nampak part2 yg agak penting untuk di jadikan pedoman…

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends introducing solid foods when your baby is between four and six months of age. Solid foods help to meet a baby’s increased needs for iron and protein. Breastmilk should still be the mainstay of your baby’s diet throughout the second half of the first year, meeting about 75 percent of her nutritional needs. 

Around six months of age a baby often begins to show readiness for solids. She begins to sit up well, unsupported; she can pick up small items; and she is very interested in what is on your dinner plate. It is more important to watch your baby for signs of readiness than to decide an arbitrary time for introducing solids. All babies are not interested or ready for solid foods at the same age. In fact, babies that are prone to allergies often refuse solids until they are closer to nine months old.

When offering solids, go slowly. Breastfeed first, and then offer your baby a half teaspoon or so of the new food. Bananas or sweet potatoes make a perfect first food. They are nutritious, and babies seem to like their taste and consistency. Allow a week in between the introduction of new foods so you can observe your baby for signs of an allergic reaction, such as a rash, congestion, irritability, stomach upset or ear infection. If your baby has a reaction to a particular food, remove it from her diet. If it is a severe reaction it is a good idea to mention it to your baby’s health care provider. Wishing your family the best!

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WAHM . Natural Parenting Practitioner . Entrepreneur . Organizing Expert . KHALIFATULLAH .

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