Salams frenzy…. =)
Time flies sooooo fast…really! I dun feel old, but i feel not ready to accept the fact that i am already 27 years old! OMG…i’ve lived for almost 3 decades already and i’m still here…working with other people and not earning much for my pocket! =p But that’s only a small matter for me. I don’t wanna look my life as a dissapointment juz because i’m still here, doing all these bored drafting. Afterall, the Law of Attraction will play his role. If i keep complaining, i’ll be attracting more negatives things in my life. Hence, i must attract as much as positives things to me, so that i’ll be getting more blessings in my life.
Looking around me, i am so grateful with all the blessings that have been given to me. I am already married for almost 2 years with the man i love the most after my dad of course. A very lovely and sweet husband who really loves me from the bottom rock of his heart! Yes, i know he’ll be loyal to me and won’t let me down for the rest of my life. Promise ya hunny…. =)
Last year, i was blessed with a very great gift –> my lil angel Ku Muhammad Danish Iskandar bin Ku Addy Fazly. And of course he is the most wonderful thing happened in my life. Every single moment in our life are cherished with a lot of happiness and great things ever since this tiny little man came into our life. We’re learning and now we begin to understand how hard to bring up and raise a kid…and that makes me appreciate my parents more. They have done a very great job! And i promise myself that i will try my best to be like them and InsyaALLAH better than that…
This year also i’ve been promoted and i consider this as a “rezeki anak”. But this is not like a very happy moment for me. Since i have a better plan rather than make myself stuck in this company. I don’t wanna stuck here like forever coz i dun see a bright future if i were to work here longer and aiming to get promoted every year. That’s just a pathetic life for me. I will live my life to the fullest by becoming a Mommy who will be working from home and looking after my own kids with my own hands! That’s the BEST thing i could ever wish at this time. Really hope that i can implement this plan around next June. Do pray for my success ya kawan-kawan…
And last but not least, do remember to START COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS! =)

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WAHM . Natural Parenting Practitioner . Entrepreneur . Organizing Expert . KHALIFATULLAH .
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