Last two weeks was a very tough time for me. Danish was admitted to the Hospital because he was diagnosed with pneumonia by the pediatrician where we brought him for a check-up. When the doctor first told me that his lungs was already infected & there was a wheezing sound in his chest, i was hoping that it won’t be so serious since most of the time Danish looks fine. The doctor prescribed him with an antibiotic called “Zinnat” and administered him with nebulizer 3 times at the clinic.
The day after our first visit to the clinic, Danish was scheduled to take the nebulizer again since after the 2nd session before that, the wheezing sound in his chest was only reduced slightly. Meaning that the ventolin gas inhaled into his lungs was not able to fully cleared his airways. So, the doctor asked us to come the next day to do it again.
But sadly, after that 3rd session, the doctor was still not satisfied with his condition since the wheezing is still there. She also said with his condition at that time, he will need a scheduled session for nebulizer treatment (which is every 4 hours) and that was impossible to be done at the clinic on an outpatient basis. So, the doctor informed us that she will have to refer his case to the specialist hospital where Danish can get complete and suitable treatment for his illness.
At the first place, we’re quite surprise with the doctor’s diagnosis since from our observation, Danish looks just fine. But looking at his health condition back from the month of April, we think that might be the main cause of his condition. He got fever 3 times in April & 2 times in May. He will only got better after he finished his prescription and after a week or more, his fever will come back. We had enough with those fever moment which come & go since last April, and for this time we really have to do something to make sure that he will FULLY clean & clear from all those nasty viruses that he got!
Enuff for Part 1. Will continue later since I have a lot infos to share with u guys about this (also a lot of pictures to show too! ;p). Since i had thoroughly did lots of research and “koreking” informations on so many types of lungs infections issues, i will provide u guys with some of the useful links for your reading too. Sharing is caring kan…*dah rasa macam doctor lak pas baca all those articles! hehehe*.
So, for Part 1, these are the pickchas yang i amek time Danish kena neb @ Klinik Pakar Kanak-Kanak Shanaliza, Wangsa Maju. I was so sad looking at him shaking & crying to the top of his lung calling for my name, “Memey! Memey! Memey!” (Danish panggil saya Memey masa umur dia bawah setahun). I was feeling sad because at that time i couldn’t comfort him and make him feel safe. Adoyaiiii…berat sungguh nak tahan perasaan dalam situasi sebegitu…huk..huk…
Okay lah! Enuff with those…See u guys in the next entry! 🙂
Ciannyeeeee bucuk-bucuk! Sedih mak tawww…. 🙁

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Ya Allah…sgt sdey ok, tgok all those pics wat air mata bergenang jew…sdey=(
Ya Allah….sihatkan la Danish Ya Allah..Juahkan die dari segala penyakit..Amin~