Owh..rasenye dah dekat sebulan blog template baru saya ini di “tayang”kan..tapi saya masih belum berkesempatan mewar-warkan kejadian blog template baruku ini… =)
Bagai terasa busan pula dengan template lama membuatkan saya mengambil keputusan untuk membuat “total refurbishment” ke atas blog saya yang berwarna maroon itu. Dari 2-column ke 3-column, dari maroon ke fuschia, dari sempit ke luas dan bla bla bla…
The main motive to do this little upgrades is because it marks the beginning of my new life as a blogger where from being a part-time-blogging-and-full-time-working TO full-time-blogging-and-self-employing. So, with this brand new appearance, i hope it will at least give me more “semangat” to update my blog everyday…hehehe…hopefuly, for this time around it will not be the “hangat-hangat tahi ayam” spirit larr…. =p!
Okie…let me introduce to u guys my designer for this template. Her name is Jiji or Nurul Haizi. Dari mule2 saya start blogging hinggalah sekarang ececeh macam dah lame sangat la saya berblogging! Jiji lah yang telah menjadi pilihan hatiku untuk buat designing and makeover kepada blog saya. Why do i love her works is simply because her choice of colors and designs fits my taste very well. She also have a lots of clients already. The person who recommended me to her is Kak Ros from MomBloggersPlanet.
So, for those who are interested to have customize blog header, template, badge, banner etc for your blog, you guys can do so by visiting her website @ Triplecolourlife or you can just e-mail her at rumadatme_g@yahoo.com. From my experience, in terms of negotiating, she is very linient and patient. Saya ala-ala sedar diri yang saya ni banyak sangat songeh dan to ceratin extent macam merapu gak..ehehe…Sorry Jiji! I don’t mean to trouble you…Okeh! Ape lagi…cepat order blog header dengan Jiji!!!! =)

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WAHM . Natural Parenting Practitioner . Entrepreneur . Organizing Expert . KHALIFATULLAH .
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memang hasil kerja jiji terbaek punya 🙂
Jemput singgah ke blog saya. Nak mintak sokongan, pendapat sikit.
elissmie : memang terbaek! dats y i loike her works very much! =)
IbuAzroy : Okeh..nanti saya sampai… =)