I am in the process of “rehabilitating” my soul from a deep disappointment. I have accepted almost 80% of  the reality that i am back to working life again. Hence, to make myself more convince that “working is the best option” in my life (at least for the time being), i will have to become a positive-thinker every second in my life. Yes..i am practising to look and perceive everything happen around me as POSITIVE as i could. No more negative thoughts as i will keep turn it into a positive thing. 

Keep training & telling my thought to look at the good side of everything is ain’t easy. What more i am a person who always saw a defect in every single thing i see. So, applying this is quite a tough process for me. But i will make sure i will be able to get rid of all the bad thoughts and attract more positive energy in my life! Hehehe….

So, to make myself feel motivated today, i keep on playing this song over & over again. And guess what? I AM SOOO HAPPY & GLAD NOW…realizing the fact that i got nothing to lose in my life when i made a decision to work again! Cheers!~ =)

So, guys…enjoy the song! And start count your blessings!

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WAHM . Natural Parenting Practitioner . Entrepreneur . Organizing Expert . KHALIFATULLAH .


  1. Wan Anie July 20, 2010
  2. amirah July 20, 2010
  3. harlinda halim July 20, 2010

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